Landscape Design and Installation
Fresh Start Outdoors brings beauty, order, and balance to outdoor spaces through strategic landscaping and hardscaping improvements. Whether you have a problem in your yard to solve, or a dream to fulfill, we’re here to help!
Our Approach to Landscape Design and Installation
Our mission is to bring beauty, order, and balance to your outdoor space, whatever that means and looks like for you. We accomplish this by listening closely, observing and assessing the problems and frustrations that you’re experiencing, proposing solutions, and ultimately implementing a plan of action to transform your outdoor living space into a place you enjoy.
Why Choose Fresh Start Outdoors?
More than 20 years of experience
Fresh, innovative ideas
Mindful of your landscape preferences
Reliable service and communication
High-quality landscaping results

Landscaping For Your Lifestyle
When we talk about beauty, order, and balance, here’s what we mean. Order is the opposite of chaos, or the solution to a problem. For example, a steep treacherous yard with erosion problems that's hard to maintain, let alone walk on or use, is a situation that calls for improvement. A retaining wall, regrading, strategic planting, or sod may be part of that solution, bringing order to a yard that was otherwise chaotic.
Balance is both a visual concert, and a spiritual one. In terms of landscaping, balance can refer to the presentation of plants and hardscaping elements in relation to each other, and to the other structures on the property (like a house). From a more philosophical perspective, balance has to do with lifestyle, and your outdoor space definitely can impact how you move and feel around your home.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say. It can be said that beauty is a balance between order and chaos, and everyone has a different balance that appeals to them. Some people like extremely clean, neat, and orderly. Imagine a row of evergreen shrubs, all neatly trimmed and uniform. While another person might love a perennial garden with lots of colors, textures, sizes, and varieties, and everything touching! We try to understand you and what you like to create a design, look, and feel that you’ll love!